티스토리 뷰
O20 - AppInit_DLLs: APSHook.dll
APSHook.dll file information
The process Application Protection Hook belongs to the software Cognizance Identity Manager or ASUS Security Protect Manager or APSHook.dll or Bioscrypt VeriSoft Single Sign On by Cognizance Corporation or Bioscrypt Inc.
Description: File APSHook.dll is located in the folder C:\Windows\System32. Known file sizes on Windows XP are 56832 bytes (89% of all occurrence), 70144 bytes, 52736 bytes.
A .dll file (Dynamic Link Library) is a special type of Windows program containing functions that other programs can call. This .dll file can be injected to all running processes and can change or manipulate their behavior. The program has no visible window. There is no detailed description of this service. It can change the behavior of other programs or manipulate other programs. It is not a Windows core file. The application starts when Windows starts (see Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\AppInit_DLLs). APSHook.dll is able to record inputs, monitor applications. Therefore the technical security rating is 76% dangerous.
O20 AppInit_DLLs and Winlogon Notify
Field | Value |
O20 Type | AppInit_DLLs |
Name | |
Path/File | APSHook.dll |
Status | L |
Description | Cognizance_Identity_Manager |
STATUS KEY: "L" - Legitimate "O" - Open to Debate "X" - Malware/Bad "?" - Unknown Navigate: [O20 AppInit_DLLs and Winlogon Notify] - Feeds to come shortly... |
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